Passes On to Glory – Download Guide
This is a very difficult time for those remaining here when their loved one has passed on to God’s Kingdom. We pray that the family and friends still here with us feel the loving arms of our Heavenly Father holding them closely as God provides them with the strength and peace they need during this difficult time of loss as well as for the days and weeks ahead. May their beautiful memories of times they shared with their loved one be treasured by them always and bring them comfort when they think of their loved one in the future.
This guide has been designed to help make the funeral planning and other needed information a smoother, more informed process for you. There are many things to think of in a short amount of time that you may never have considered. Perhaps there are things you or your loved one had mentioned in the past that you would like to have incorporated into the Celebration of Life that you might not think of until weeks down the road and wish you had remembered to include in the service. We hope that this guide will jog those memories and make this Celebration of Life one that you and your loved one would be comfortable with as a beautiful tribute to their life here with you.
Your pastor and funeral director will go over many things with you in the next couple of days. This guide will assist them as much as it will assist you. There will be space to take notes as you go over your planning of the service and there will be suggestions of scripture verses and hymns that might be appropriate if you cannot think of any at this time. Be assured that you or your loved one may already have chosen other verses and music that may also be used and the pastor will be open to working those choices into the Celebration of Life to bring about a memorable tribute to your loved one.