Certification Renewal


Maintaining your Certification as a Professional Administrator is required every two years. Requirements are fulfilled by completing items 1 and 2 plus at least one of the choices in item 3.

1. Maintain national membership in the Professional Administrators of The United Methodist Connectional Structure (PAUMCS) with dues current and paid in full for the calendar year.


2. Attend the full session of a PAUMCS National Annual Conference at least once every four (4) years and earn one Continuing Education Unit*.


3.  a) Earn one Continuing Education Unit* in the two-year period by attending the full session of a National Annual Conference of PAUMCS.


     b) Earn one Continuing Education Unit* in the two-year period by attending the full session of an approved annual meeting of any local PAUMCS Chapter in good standing. Prior to the
distribution of any publicity by a PAUMCS local chapter, the program and academic requirements must be approved by the PAUMCS National Professional Training and Standards
Committee. Request for approval must be submitted to the Executive Committee/Professional Training and Standards Committee at least 30 days prior to the event.


      c) Earn one Continuing Education Unit* in the two-year period by attending an event related to the church secretary’s profession with prior approval of the PAUMCS National Professional
Training and Standards Committee Request for approval must be submitted to the Professional Training and Standards Chairperson at least 30 days prior to the event. Failure to comply
with the 30 day approval could not be granted. Failure to comply with the 30 day approval guidelines may result in CEU not being granted.


*Definition for Continuing Education Unit (CEU): One CEU is defined as Ten (10) contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction. Business Meetings, Worship Services, breaks, meals, snacks and fellowship/gathering times are not to be considered. Contact hours of less than 10 but not less than 5 will be granted .5 CEU (Example: an 8-hour workshop/seminar would be equal to .5 CEU.)

You need to meet the above requirements to maintain your certification as a Certified United Methodist Church Administrator.