You may make financial donations to support PAUMCS by:

General Fund

Donations for the day-to-day operation of PAUMCS can be made by check payable to PAUMCS then mailed to:

Wendy Miller, PAUMCS Treasurer


P.O. Box 1289

New Lenox, IL 60451


Endowment Fund

The Touching Tomorrow Today Endowment Fund is administered through the Professional Administrators of The United Methodist Connectional Structure. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial aid to administrative support staff to help them achieve their goals of:

  • Professional Development
  • Continuing Education, and
  • Spiritual Enrichment.

Through the Touching Tomorrow Today Endowment Fund, individuals strengthen the work of PAUMCS far into the future. Because gifts to the fund are tax deductible, there are a number of planning opportunities by which individuals can reduce their own personal taxes while making their gift go even farther. There are no minimum or maximum restrictions on the gift amount. A contribution of any amount – $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 – will help ensure that we will keep meeting needs for years to come. Whatever you choose to give, whenever you choose to give it, your gift to this Endowment Fund ensures a strong association for generations to come. The Touching Tomorrow Today Endowment Fund is pleased to be participating in the The United Methodist Church Foundation planned giving cooperative program.

To contribute, go to the UMC official investing website  then choose the “CONTRIBUTE” tab which will take you to the Online Donations page.  If you already have a profile, make sure you LOGIN. Otherwise when you may make a donation remember to choose “Prof. Administrators of the UM Connectional Structure (PAUMCS)” from the dropdown menu. You will even have the opportunity to make your donation in memory or honor of someone.